Saturday, March 3, 2007

Can I be addicted to sleep?

I've had my share of coping mechanisms in my lifetime. I smoked a pack a day in high school and college. I drank too much during the same time period. I gave up the ciggies and vodka-tini's and picked up this habit: sleep. I wonder if I went to sleep without an alarm and no commitments the next day if I'd wake up at all. I do wake up, but just sink back into sleep. I could sleep for 12 hours easily, maybe 14.

It goes in a cycle: I do too much for too long, then get a migraine and lay in bed to wait it out, medicate myself with whatever will dull the pain, and sleep as long as possible. The next day, or maybe the following one, I feel better and get up. Then I might be awake a long time, catching up on things. Or, I might be chronically tired and go to bed at 8:30, only to sleep through the next morning's alarm at 7:00 am.

My second addiction is to sugar. More on that one later.

It's Tough Being a Beginner

My lesson went fine. My faculty advisor is a gentle teacher. He let me know that many of my students did not make the connection that the written words and the photo told the same story. Huh. It's true. I said, "Do you like my story about the snowman in the red hat and ...." and the sweeties said, Yes! They liked that story, but didn't know it was the story I intended to tell in the blah paragraph. Lesson learned .